
Step 3 - Secure a Placement

Start your job search at , Camosun's co-op student job board and career portal and earn academic credit while you work.

Start your job search

Access the co-op student job board on educationthatworks.ca

  • Email your program鈥檚聽employment assistant聽at the beginning of the term preceding your desired work term. For example, if you would like to complete a Summer work term you would need to email the co-op office at the start of the Winter term.
  • Upon fulfilling the聽admission requirements聽and accepting the co-op terms and conditions on the co-op dashboard on the聽, you'll gain access to the co-op job posting board where you'll find co-op and internship positions in local and national industries.
  • If you are planning on completing multiple co-ops, you will need to complete this process each time.

Consult your employment facilitator

Consult with your聽employment facilitator聽or Co-op and Internship coordinator for guidance on self-developing a position or converting an existing position to a credited work term.

  • Student developed positions may be eligible for work term credit and you are encouraged to self-develop work term positions.
  • Once you have secured a position, make sure to let your聽employment facilitator聽know immediately and verify your registration status.
Exterior of Lansdowne campus main corridor in fall with trees changing colours and students walking


Meet the admissions requirements and register for your work term.